Thierry De Pauw
My research interest is mathematical analysis. I specialise in Geometric Measure Theory, a branch of fundamental mathematics of which the paradigm is the Plateau problem. It consists in studying the geometrical complexity of soap films and soap bubbles, including those in infinite dimensional spaces.
I grew up in Brussels, Belgium. I am currently a Professor at Westlake University and Honorary Maître de Recherches at the F.N.R.S., Belgium. I keep happy memories from working at Université Paris Cité – Paris 7 ; University College London, England ; Université Paris-Sud in Orsay, France ; Rice University in Houston, Texas ; and Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
1977 – 1983
Institut Champagnat, Schaerbeek, Belgium
Primary school
1983 – 1989
Institut Saint-Louis, Bruxelles, Belgium
Secondary school
1989 – 1998
Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
B.S. and PhD in mathematics
Measure Theory
Hausdorff and integral geometric measures
Ill-Posed Partial Differential Equations
The divergence operator
Geometric Variational Problems
Integral currents and flat chains
Nonabsolutely Convergent Integration
Henstock, Kurzweil, Pfeffer
o-Minimal Geometry
Metric theory
Institute for Theoretical Sciences
Westlake University
Yungu campus
email : thierry dot depauw at westlake dot edu dot cn